
Showing posts from February, 2016


                                                      1.Apple Filled with natural vitamins, Apple has astringent properties to make skin supple and prevent dehydration. Boil apple still with skin, and mix with 1 teaspoon of honey. Then apply on face about 10 minutes. It can make your skin soft. 2.Pomegranate Make a pomegranate scrub by mixing 2 tablespoons of almond powder and 2 teaspoons of powdered milk. Stir well and gently rub into the face of a rotating basis. Wash off with milk and then with warm water. 3.Avocado Avocados have vitamins A, E, D, minerals and potassium fruit is very good for damaged skin and dry by the sun. Blender avocado with a mixture of one tablespoon of tea and a drop of honey to make a hydrating mask. Apply it to the face for 15 minutes and rinse with warm water. 4.Strawberry Strawberries can be made as a scrub with ease. Enough with mashed strawberries and mix with milk. Spread evenly on the face and leave for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm


                                                        This is your first day. Today is the day on which your determination and your spirit is still strong, so stick to your resolve okay. Diet this week on the first day you consume enough fruits mild and contain water, such as apples, oranges, cherry or guava. But not for bananas. Bananas are the fruit of energy boosters. In a banana contains hundred calories. Not only calories, bananas also contain vitamin C and carbohydrates. Besides bananas you have to be careful also with avocado, papaya, mango, and data. Although you consume fruits that contain water content, and you still need to consume enough mineral water Two day Clip yet? I led still your mind. is remembered today, the day your H-6 in your marriage. Registration on the second day, one week diet menu that day you should eat all kinds of vegetables. Choose a variety of colors of vegetables such as cabbage, carrots, cucumbers and spinach. You can enjoy these vegetables wi


Just like fruit and vegetables are needed also by the body because it is rich in fiber, enzymes, vitamins and minerals. Raw vegetable juice contains higher food and green vegetables that have been processed ratio. Not only that, the food in the processed in the form of juices, vegetables more digestible, circulate more quickly through the blood so that the body does not lack the amount of material required for the metabolism. Raw vegetables juice contains micro-metallic elements such as boron, selenium, and chromium, which the body needs. These minerals come out when processed food into the juice, not cooked instead of boiling Mineral selenium in green vegetables helped to protect the body against cancer. Boron helps the absorption of calcium in children and adolescents and the elderly. While chromium with insulin helps in the metabolism of carbohydrates as well as fat, and works to facilitate the entry of glucose into cells. Note the elements you choose to be processed in th


Heat treatment of fever without taking medication, you can count on a variety of fruit juice therapy. The materials used as juice recipe have physical features can reduce fever adults and children alike. For example, watermelon juice mixed citrus fruits rich in vitamin C, lycopene and other natural nutrients that are useful to restore the immune system and anti-fever, and treatment of heartburn. When the body is faced with an increase in temperature above 37 ° C, and usually there was an infection or disturbed metabolism in the body. To lower it, perform a variety of fruit juice therapy regularly even hot fever down. Devote more time to rest is essential if you want to re-fit body condition as it was before. Doubling the amount of fluids, vitamins, and minerals so that your metabolism can be back to normal. A variety of recipes specially fruit juice for the treatment lowers fever will not work effectively if not accompanied by the intake of water and nutritious food and adequat


Detoxification is the process of metabolism to remove dirt, toxins, as well as a wide variety of harmful foreign substances stored in the body. These substances are derived from foods consumed, soft drinks, and the surrounding environment such as air pollution. How to detoxify the fruit of the most secure, easy and fun is through processed fruit juice drinks. In addition to taste good and fresh, processed fruit juice is rich in enzymes to detoxify the process of removing toxins that can run optimally. Useful addition to diet, detox juice is also best taken by people who are sick. Due to the content of nutrients, vitamins, and enzymes abundant in it can improve the immune system so as to accelerate the healing process. how detoxification with fruit : 1.Water consumption and other foods for at least 30 minutes after drinking juice detoxification enzymes so that the absorption of the fruit can be maximized. 2.Reduce (if you can avoid) consumption of junk food, fast food and fiz


In addition to directly consumed as a fruit dessert, papaya can be processed into food menu as well as a healthy beverage like juice, fruit set and fruit salads.Recipe salad of papaya fruit usually wear young or undercooked. Young papaya has its own advantages over ripe papaya. These advantages there is the sugar content is still relatively low when the fruit is not yet ripe.Two types of sugar in papaya fruits are sucrose and glucose. Both will be growing more in line with the maturing papaya.To get rid of various diseases due to increased blood sugar, it is advisable to consume processed papaya fruit without added sugar. And it would be even better if consume papaya is not too ripe. Ingredients : -100 g young papaya -1 tablespoon fried peanuts -2 pieces of red pepper, coarse ground -1/2 lemon -Salt to taste How to make a fruit salad: -Once peeled and washed, thinly sliced papaya fruit. Enter into a serving bowl. -Combine red chili, lime juice, and salt. -Flush the youn


Watermelon is one of the most fruit contains a lot of water. Almost the entire 100% flesh contains water. This horticultural not grow tall but flat vine growth development. Watermelon is also known as (watermelon) in Latin. The fruit is very suitable if consumed at a time when the dry season because the water content can make sense of thirst diminishes. These plants usually live in mountain areas because of the tube cool and fast in growth once the fruit. Watermelon fruit has a tough skin, solid green or light green with dark green lines-lines. Depending on the cultivar, juicy flesh that is red or yellow. Seeds from the fruit can also be used as a snack with dried first way to the hot sun and then roasted and seeds is called Kuaci. And It also has a fresh taste and sweet and we can easily find in the market or supermarket. BENEFITS WATERMELON -Contains Vitamin C that can prevent ulcers and also contain lycopene which serves to reduce the risk    of cancer -The amplifier functioni


This fruit is very popular all over the good of toddlers, children, teenagers and parents. This fruit has a natural flavor that is sweet but slightly acidic, and contains a lot of vitamin C and fruit known as a source of vitamin C or vitamin C.Nutrisi present in citrus fruits this, help our bodies fight serious diseases include heart problems, cancer and indigestion. One can avail the benefits of this fruit in very little time with fresh orange juice consumption. nutrients that can be absorbed quickly into the bloodstream without the need for digestion The benefits of citrus fruits -Can prevent as well as treat thrush -Preventing cancer including cancers of the skin, breast, lung, mouth and colon. -Can reduce cholesterol -Can reduce high blood pressure because it contains hesperidin and magnesium -May reduce inflammation in the joints or stiffness in muscles and joints -Very good for brain development. and this is very good for young children or toddlers. -Strengt


Fruit is synonymous with a sweet taste slightly sour and the skin has a different form with other fruit. And this fruit is predictable because it has a special shape and characteristics. When this buh ripe yellow water and air. This fruit mengadung water approximately 45%. In general, the plant grows in the tropical among others, could grow in the yard of the house, the garden or rice fields. BENEFITS OF FRUIT PINEAPPLE -Tackling Dandruff is in our hair -Contains vitamin C -Can Digestion. And also rich in natural fibers in both the launch and the human digestive system healthy -Helping the process of wound healing and reduce swelling or inflammation in the body.  As the body's natural detox and balance the levels of acidity in the blood. -Being able to streamline the system of metabolism -Increase endurance. -Strengthen the heart muscle. -Nourish hair and delay aging and reduce stress. -Smoothing the skin. -Tackling obesity (overweight) -Relieves inflammation of


Cherries other than as fruit consumption is also widely used as decoration for a wide variety of cakes and other culinary preparations. The cherry fruit tastes sweet like children and the fruit is suitable to make a delicious juice.Besides cherries have very many properties that are useful for the health of our bodies.Cherries contain anthocyanins, the red pigment that is good for health because it is an antioxidant. CHERRIES FRUIT CONTENT IS GOOD FOR YOUR HEALTH -A great source of antioxidants for a healthy body -Can Overcome gout -Detoxification of foreign substances -Low in calories and high in nutrients -Substitute painkiller without side effects -preventing chronic painful diseases such as arthritis and similar diseases -Increasing libido among couples -can help reduce muscle soreness. -Diuretics good -Help you sleep soundly and comfortably -Eliminate toxins in the body STEPS TO MAKE A DELICIOUS CHERRY FRUIT JUICE 10 fresh cherries 200 ml of boiled water


In Body Shaping program for the ideal body shape, you need to pay attention to 4 points : What Body Shaping ? - Body Shaping is a body building program undertaken by exercise, diet, supplementation and rest enough to get a solid muscular body shape without the fat you want. 1.Dietary habit. You need to divide the portions into 5-6 times a day, with a menu of high-protein, low carbohydrate, and low fat. The goal is to increase metabolism and sharpen your muscle mass. 2.Exercise patterns. You need to do regular exercise to exercise in a week menu price for all parts of your muscles. For example, you want to build your abdominal muscles but will still need to exercise the legs. 3.Break the pattern. You need enough rest and quality. This is because you damage the muscle during training sessions and a break is needed to repair your muscles. 4.Supplementation pattern. You must choose the right supplements to help your program so that your body shaping results can be optimized. This guide


Simply by five minutes, you can do this exercise wherever you are. Especially with only doing bodyweight training. Why bodyweight training can help you burn your body fat? According to the journal of the American College of Sports Medicine, if done in the right portion of the bodyweight training will help burn more fat and metabolism is maintained for up to 72 hours post exercise. 1.Warm up with jumping jacks for 30 seconds Doing jumping jacks to warm up is the right step. You can do this with a quick movement up or slow as you want. But be sure that this warming movement does not make you run out of power. Do it at your own pace 2.Exercise push-ups Then move to push up movement. Push ups are a popular exercise to train the muscles of your body, not least to help burn fat. Do as much as you can during 30-second intervals. 3.Jumping with the Double Leg Hops Jumping on both feet is the next step. In addition to the front and rear, as well jump to the left and right. 4.Doi


Carambola who do not know this one fruit. Fruit with fresh taste and water levels are pretty much very little demand compared with other fruit when the fruit is golden yellow when ripe and sweet taste and contains fiber. Another name for this fruit is Averhoa Carambola. Benefits of star fruit, among others 1.Able to cope with the disease coughs in children and can cope with canker sores and bleeding gums (vitamin C) 2.Can reduce the pain of cavities. 3.For those who have health problems on the skin of the fruit is able to Overcome acne and skin fungus. 4.Helps reduce high blood pressure. 5.Helps reduce high blood pressure. 6.Protects our body from diabetes. 7.Provide protection to our body against paralysis. 8.Help to expedite the process of defecation 9.The fruit is also good in taking care of our bodies in order to stay slim because pectin is present in star fruit can help to destroy cholesterol. 10.Overcoming inflammation of the rectum. In addition to the benefit


Avocado is a fruit that is very delicious to serve fruit juice. It feels very nice to make anyone who tasted will be hooked to try again. Ingredients Fruit Juice Recipes Tasty and Delicious Avocados 1. One avocado big size 2. 1 cup water 200 milliliter 3.sweetened condensed milk white 4.condensed milk chocolate Cube How to make Fruit Juice avocado Recipes Tasty and Delicious . 1,Take the flesh of an avocado by splitting 2 sections and megeluarkan contents and take the meat by using cendok (#fakta: most people while doing this stage, like to taste the meat by using cendok used. Caution ya know do familiarized cause unfavorable). 2.Put water into a blender and 100 milli then enter the avocado flesh into a blender after the water earlier. after that, pour sweetened condensed milk taste white (estimate 1 sachets). Last is enter the ice that has broken up into small pieces. once put all the ingredients, then blend with the slow pace and continued with full speed. wait until a


BLUEBERRY FRUIT INDICATIONS FOR BEAUTY >Keep skin youthful and attractive >Protecting skin from the sun and free radicals to keep skin soft, smooth and healthy >Blueberry juice is great for removing acne and skin becomes soft >Reducing the appearance of wrinkles on the face. >Reduce the oil on the skin >Moisturize the skin and radiant MATERIALS JUICE BLUEBERRY 1.Blueberries were fresh and free of pesticides roughly enough for 1 cup serving 2.200ml boiled water 3.3 tablespoons confectioners' sugar 4.1 teaspoon honey STEPS TO MAKE HEALTHY BLUEBERRY JUICE -Rinse blueberries -Split into 2 parts and Clean seeds with flesh -After that enter into the blender -Add water + sugar + honey and ice -Blend until smooth and after a smooth turn off the blender and lift -Serve in serving glasses that had been prepared


* for health body 1.As blood cell formation, antiviral and anticancer 2.Help kidney function and neutralize toxins 3.lowering cholesterol 4.Digestive system launched 5.Treating asthma 6.Prevent cataracts 7.Sources of good blood sugar 8.Maintain a healthy heart 9.Sources of vitamin A, E, K, C, B-6 and rich in minerals 10.Restore the energy lost 11.strengthen muscles 12.Body Protection from Radiation * for beauty 1.Protects against skin cancer 2.Moisturize skin 3.The face brighten dull 4.Remove wrinkles on the face 5.Prevent tooth decay and whiten teeth MATERIALS FRUIT JUICE WINE -¼ kg of grapes of what kind of a nice and free pesisida -200 ml of boiled water -3-5 tablespoons confectioners' sugar -1 tablespoon honey -Ice cubes that have been shaved or crushed -serving glasses HOW TO MAKE A DELICIOUS GRAPE JUICE -The grapes are washed with clean -Shopping and clean the fruit flesh with seeds -After a clean cut after the enter kjadi 2 p


Providing your body with liver supportive herbs and spices is a wonderful way to detox your liver. Did you know that turmeric is a powerful liver cleansing spice? Incorporating this spice into your nutrition will help support and detoxify your liver and provide potent anti-inflammatory benefits. 1.Detoxifies body and liver 2. Boosts immunity by improving liver function 3. protects liver tissue 4. Cleanses and purifies the blood 5. Eases symptoms of coughs and cold 6. Improves circulation in the body 7. Improves skin complexion 8. Prevents internal blood clotting 9. Reduces bad cholesterol 10. Reduces inflammation – all types of arthritis and other inflammation 11. Stimulates secretion of bile which helps break down fat Ingredients turmeric natural tea 1.Fresh turmeric Turmeric is a powerful liver and body cleanser. Turmeric is also a very effective  anti-inflammatory. 2.Fresh Ginger Turmeric combined with ginger doubles the anti-inflammatory results. Ginger also works wonders for he