
Showing posts from July 9, 2017


Hi everyone and welcome to Starbase bounty campaign announcement page. Starbase is planning to hold a token sale in July. We’re checking for token sale pages, legal compliance, white paper, etc for STAR sale success. However, before starting the sale, Starbase marketing team will announce that we will hold the 4th bounty campaign. As you see the bounty menu below, we add “Suggest Improvement” as a new opportunity to get STAR. Through 3 times bounty campaigns, Starbase and bounty hunters collaborated each others for blockchain wolrd’s success. In this 4th campaign, we’d like to request for your help to improve Starbase for token sale success. All suggestions are welcome. We will check all your voice, and make every effort for the biggest event in July. — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — The campaign starts from June 10 to June 18. Here are details of 4th bounty campaign. [Suggest Improvement] Web page: Scope: Includin