
Showing posts from 2015


This is a list of vegetables and fruits are very supportive to maintain health and brings great influence 1. Garlic Just a small amount of this pungent white bulb has the ability to activate liver enzymes that help your body flush out toxins. Garlic also holds high amounts of allicin and selenium, two natural compounds that aid in liver cleansing.


  List of most nutritious antioxidant fruits and their benefits. The fruit is very easy in getting and certainly will bring great benefits to the body,all provide real result. 1. Banana - Bananas are a great source of potassium (about 400 mg), which helps lower your risk of high blood pressure and stroke and plays a key role in muscle function.Bananas are delicious and sweet to eat, making them a good sugar substitute and natural energy source. The fiber in bananas helps restore normal bowel action. A medium size banana has around 108 calories. 2. Apples - .Apples, with the skin, provide pectin, 5 grams of fiber and a heaping dose of flavonoid antioxidants. Apple fiber helps lower cholesterol and keep you regular. And the powerful flavonoids reduce your risk of heart disease, stroke and cancer. A medium apple has about 80 calories.


Maintaining a healthy body continuously will provide freshness throughout the day. 1. Having pomegranate’s juice daily is good for heart and useful for people suffering from low Blood Pressure (Hypotension) 2. One natural treatment for acidity is chewing a few Basil (tulsi) leaves after a meal. This not just works as an antacid as it helps the body absorb food but also prevents re-flux and the formation of ulcers. 3. Sucking a piece of Clove after meal helps in reducing acidity problem. 4. A flake of garlic swallowed with water taken empty stomach daily in the morning can be helpful in solving many stomach & gastric problems. 5. Headache caused by summer heat is cured by consuming watermelon juice. Just one glass a day works wonders… 6. Eating an Apple on an empty stomach in the morning relieves one of migraine pain. This must be done for a few mornings. I have been a migraine patient for past 10 years and this one worked most for me. 7. Open 6 dates a...

Khasiat Buah Mentimun

Mentimun atau sering juga disebut dengan ketimun sering kita jumpai sebagai pelengkap makanan lainnya, seperti lalapan, pecel, nasi goreng bahkan sering juga dipakai untuk pelengkap minuman. Memang salah satu jenis tanaman bernama ilmiah Scientifict Cucumis Sativus ini mempunyai rasa yang enak dan menyegarkan di mulut.